Dota Allstars 6.50 Exact Changelog!

Hero Changes:
* Removed manacost on Mana Shield activation

* Changed Leap cooldown to scale with levels
20 all levels->40/35/30/20

* Improved Juggernaut’s movement speed

* Lowered Drow’s Agility gain per level

* Changed Drow Ranger’s Marksmanship ultimate
old marksmanship->adds 10/20/30 agi/level (like Great Fortitude)

* Increased Morphling’s base damage

* Macropyre cooldown no longer increases per level

* Reduced Sprint’s damage amplification

* Increased Maledict AOE by 15

* Changed Spectre’s Dispersion
4/8/12/16% for 100% damage->100% chance for 5/10/15/20% damage
Dispersion now works like Gravekeeper’s Cloak used to work (see below). It returns / reduces incoming damage by 5/10/15/20% to a 600 AoE.

* Improved casting range on Acid Spray

* Reduced cooldown on high level Shapeshift

* Improved armor on Enigma’s Eidolons

* Reduced Expulsion cooldown and manacost
15/15/15/15 sec 100/110/120/130 mana->10 sec 75 mana all levels

* Improved Alchemist base Intelligence and growth

* Slightly improved Psi Blades’ spill width and range
40/80/120 range->50/100/150/200 range

* Improved Chemical Rage
5/10/15 ms, lasts 20 seconds, 200/400/600 hp, 3/6/12 mana/sec regen->60 ms all levels, lasts 25 seconds, 350/70/1050 hp, 3/7.5/12 mana/sec regen

* Increased Phantom Lancer’s Strength gain

* Improved lifesteal on level 2 and 3 Insatiable Hunger
40/50/60%, 60 second cd->40/60/80%, 60/45/30 sec cd

* Reduced Replicate’s manacost and cooldown
120 sec cd, 125 mana->80 sec cd, 25 mana

* Improved Troll’s base movement speed
Now 300 movespeed

* Decreased Rampage movement speed bonus and cooldown
5/7/9% movespeed, 55 second! cooldown

* Improved Spirit Bear’s Demolish
1.6x damage against buildings

* Improved Sand Storm
Delay before reveal now 0.3/0.6/0.9/1.5, damage remains at 20/40/60/80?

* Improved cooldown progression on Insatiable Hunger
Now 60/45/30 second cooldown

* Reduced Sven’s base armor
Now 1 base armor

* Improved Enigma’s movement speed
Now 300 movespeed

* Improved Enfeeble
30/60/90/120% of attack damage and 1/2/3/4 of HP regen reduced for 20 seconds

* Improved Auto Fire’s area of effect and duration
8 seconds, AoE unknown

* Reduced Queen of Pain’s Blink range at early levels
700/850/1000/1150 range

* Improved Earthshaker’s movement speed
Now 300 movespeed

* Reduced Gravechill’s cooldown a bit
Now 18 second cooldown

* Increased Primal Roar’s cooldown a little bit
Now 70/65/60 second cooldown

* Redesigned Visage
Grave Chill and Revenants remain the same.
Soul Assumption is now a passive. Units that die near Visage in a 625 AoE give him 4/8/12/16 HP regen and 6/6/6/6 bonus damage with a cap of 2/4/6/16 units. Lasts 30 seconds.
Cloak now HEALS allies for 10/15/20/25% of the taken damage in a 800 AoE.

* Lucent Beam ministun duration increases per level (0.6 level 4 up from a constant 0.01)
Lucent Beam now stuns at 0.01 / 0.1 / 0.3 / 0.6 seconds, and Eclipse damage is based off of Lucent’s skill level. Eclipse doesn’t ministun.

* Lowered Eclipse’s manacost and gave it constant cooldown progression
140 second constant cooldown, 150/200/250 mana

* Increased Lucent Beam’s casting range and lowered manacost slightly
Now 90/100/110/120 manacost.

* Improved Ravage a little (it became slightly less effective with the Impale recodes)
Now 1.5/1.8/2.25 second stun

* Reverse Polarity’s cooldown is now the same on all levels
120 second cooldown at all levels

* Added some extra movement bonus on higher level Spin Web
20/23/26/29% movement bonus

* Improved Keeper of the Light’s movement speed
Now 315 movespeed

* Improved Storm Spirit’s base armor
Now 4 base armor

* Lowered Mirror Image’s cooldown slightly
Now 50 second cooldown

* Improved slow on Drunken Haze
10/14/18/22% slow

* Improved movement bonus on Witchcraft
288/296/305/313 base movespeed without items

* Lowered Searing Arrows’ cooldown
Now 2/2/0/0 second cooldown

* Improved Reaper’s Scythe’s leveling a bit
.4/.6/.9 damage per life missing, 100/85/70 cooldown, 150/340/500 manacost

* Changed Purification’s damage type to Pure
No longer reduced by both spell resistance and armor

* Lowered Axe’s starting Agility and increased his starting Strength
Now 25 starting Strength, 20 starting Agility

* Lowered Death Coil’s cooldown
7 second cooldown

* Improved Undying’s base armor
Now 6 base armor

* Improved Meepo’s base Strength
Now 23 base STR

* Rebalanced Pit of Malice
24/21/18/15 cooldown, 100/115/130/145 manacost, 1.5/2/2.5/3 duration

* Changed Bloodrage’s stats a bit
20/15/10/5 HP lost per second, lasts 6/9/12/15 seconds. Damage amplification remains the same.

* Lowered level 1 Mana Void’s manacost
Now 125 manacost

* Lowered Exorcism’s damage return threshold and cooldown
100 second cooldown at all levels

* Restored Bone Fletcher’s old Wind Walk speed bonus
10/20/30/40% movespeed

* Lowered Geminate’s attack cooldown
Now 6/5/4/2.5 second cooldown

* Slightly improved how Medusa’s Purge levels
12/11/10 second cooldown

Item & Other Changes:
Ultimate Orb – 2100g
Quarterstaff – 900g
Vlad’s Recipe – 300g

* Redesigned Eul’s Scepter of Divinity
Eul’s no longer upgrades into Guinsoo. It now has unlimited Cyclones (2.5 seconds) and provides a +20 ms that stacks with boots.
+16 Int
+100% mana regen
+20 MS
Cyclone (35s cooldown, 2.5s duration, no charge)

* Redesigned Orchid Malevolence
Orchid Malevolence now requires three Oblivion Staves to make, and has no recipe cost.
+20 int
+40 damage
+30% AS
+225% mana regen (!)
Soul Burn (i think it’s the same, but new animation)

* Redesigned Guinsoo’s Scythe of Vyse
Guinsoo’s Scythe is now made with Mystic Staff, Voidstone and Ultimate Orb.
+35 Int
+10 Str
+10 Agil
+200% mana regen

* Changed Unholy Rage’s lifesteal type to be the same as regular lifesteal
Vampiric Potion based -> Orb.

* Fixed some creep death time discrepancies (188461)
Sentinel and Scourge creeps now provide vision of the area they are killed for the same duration. Previously, Sentinel had an advantage in being able to see it’s creeps for longer.

* Changed how Blink Dagger works. It cannot be activated if you took damage in the last 3 seconds.
This is only from damage – HP Loss (Such as from Armlet) won’t stop you blinking.

* Added a new game mode -singledraft or -sd (swiss)
Choose 1 from 3 random (Agility, Strengh and Intelligence hero) in the beginning

* Added a new experimental command -ah
Antihack (maphack).

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